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IZA – Institute of Labor Economics
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Wall Street Journal Europe
October 15, 2014
Yes Germans Do Believe in Fiscal Flexibility
Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann
Economy & Trade
September 8, 2014
Revisiting Retired Husbands Syndrome
With reference to IZA DP No. 8350: Pappa Ante Portas: The Retired Husband Syndrome in Japan
Family & Gender
The Telegraph
August 21, 2014
Stressed wives suffer ‘retired husband syndrome’
With reference to IZA DP No. 8350: Pappa Ante Portas: The Retired Husband Syndrome in Japan
Family & Gender
Daily Mail
August 20, 2014
Retired hubby syndrome Wives suffer stress and depression when men quit work (and it’s worse each year)
With reference to IZA DP No. 8350: Pappa Ante Portas: The Retired Husband Syndrome in Japan
Family & Gender
The Wall Street Journal Blogs
August 18, 2014
Payday Mayday
With reference to IZA DP No. 8389: Income Receipt and Mortality: Evidence from Swedish Public Sector Employees
Family & Gender
Health & Happiness
HBR Blog Network
July 23, 2014
Should Couples Go into Business Together?
With reference to IZA DP No. 8186: Entrepreneurial Couples
Family & Gender
CBS News
July 22, 2014
Taller fatter older How humans have changed in 100 years
With reference to IZA DP No. 8128: Health, Height and the Household at the Turn of the 20th Century
Health & Happiness
World Commerce Review
June 19, 2014
Working without borders Why free momevent of labour should be untouchable
With reference to manifesto calling "Working Without Borders: A Manifesto for Europe's Future"
Migration & Integration
Financial Times
June 18, 2014
Germany’s minimum wage threatens to shake up ‘generation intern’
Includes statement from Alexander Spermann
Labor Market Policy
June 9, 2014
Immigration Helps American Workers The Definitive Argument (And Why It Won’t Matter)
Migration & Integration
June 4, 2014
UK calls for welfare restrictions after EU election result
Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann
Migration & Integration
The Economist
May 17, 2014
European migration The great escape
With reference to IZA DP 8064: Returns to Citizenship? Evidence from Germany's Recent Immigration Reforms
Migration & Integration
The Corner
May 9, 2014
Germany will raise wages to act as EZ locomotive
Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst
Labor Market Policy
Washington Post Wonkblog
May 6, 2014
Immigration helps American workers The definitive argument
With reference to IZA World of Labor articles by Amelie Constant and Giovanni Peri
Migration & Integration
The Christian Science Monitor
May 1, 2014
A decade after the EU’s largest expansion open borders still rankle
Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann
Migration & Integration
Scientific American
April 29, 2014
What Your Name Says About How Believable You Are
With reference to IZA DP No. 7725: The Economic Payoff of Name Americanization
Behavior & Preferences
Business Insider
April 10, 2014
Massive Shifts In Gender Roles Are Occurring Within The Labor Force
With reference to IZA DP No. 7710: Women Labor Market Participation in Europe: Novel Evidence on Trends and Shaping Factors
Family & Gender
The Corner
April 1, 2014
Are minijobs a solution for Europe?
Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst
Labor Market Policy
March 24, 2014
Korea Exchange Seeks Cut of $3 Billion Illegal Gold Trade
With reference to IZA DP No. 6891: Shadow Economies in Highly Developed OECD Countries: What Are the Driving Forces?
Economy & Trade
The Atlantic
March 17, 2014
Do Moms Who Work Less Have Healthier Babies?
With reference to IZA DP No. 8031: Newborn Health and the Business Cycle: Is It Good to Be Born in Bad Times?
Family & Gender
Business Week
March 17, 2014
The Best Way to Spread Democracy Abroad? Welcome Foreign Students
With reference to IZA DP No. 7980, The Effect of Labor Migration on the Diffusion of Democracy: Evidence from a Former Soviet Republic
Migration & Integration
Yahoo! News
February 11, 2014
Could Swiss vote spur a rethink on EU barriers to migration?
Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann
Migration & Integration
The Atlantic
February 4, 2014
The Mommy-Track Myth
With references to DP No. 7904: Parenthood and Productivity of Highly Skilled Labor: Evidence from the Groves of Academe
Family & Gender
CNN / Money
February 4, 2014
Why Greeks are overworked while Germans go home early
With reference to IZA DP No. 5780, Short-Time Work: The German Answer to the Great Recession
Labor Market Policy
February 3, 2014
S. Korea Crackdown on Underground Economy Stokes Angst
With reference to IZA DP No. 6891, Shadow Economies in Highly Developed OECD Countries: What Are the Driving Forces?
Economy & Trade
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