

Larger, all-male groups most prone to lying

New study explores how group size and gender affect honesty in decision making


Parents tend to steer sons towards traditional careers

Swiss study finds gender bias in vocational advice


Why are wages often set at round numbers?

New study reveals "coarse wage-setting": Firms use simple heuristics when uncertain about optimal salaries


Gender differences in graduate degree choices affect early-career earnings

Female graduates are less likely to do further study in STEM fields


Experts divided on climate risk pricing

New study explores how finance professionals' beliefs and mental models influence stock return expectations


Work arrangements matter for the child penalty

New study shows mothers can work more while maintaining parenting time when given more control over work schedules


Unequal workloads: Global gender divide in market, domestic, and care work

New study reveals large disparities and normative influences


How associative memory influences our financial decisions

New findings from ERC-funded project on economic belief formation


Most Ukrainian refugees plan to return

New study on effects of local conflict on refugees’ return plans, actual return, and integration outcomes


AI capital boosts employment prospects for economics graduates

New study examines impact of AI education on hiring chances in the UK

IZA News

IZA establishes new award for innovative research on a pressing public issue

Topic chosen for the new three years is Artificial Intelligence


Frontier technologies are likely to accelerate the de-routinization of work

New study shows firm-level differences in technology adoption that may increase between-firm inequality


Major replication project re-analyzes over 100 economics and political science articles

New study by more than 350 coauthors finds high reproducibility rates, but also highlights areas for improvement


Men face a tougher time finding part-time work

New analysis of online labor markets in Switzerland unveils gender bias in part-time hiring


How are firms affected by parental leave absences?

New research reveals limited firm replacement for mothers on leave, yet no long-term consequences from extended leave


Work-home distances increase in Germany

New study explores how the shift to remote work is reshaping the relationship between labor markets and location choice


First-generation high achievers face hidden obstacles on path to success

Top students from working-class backgrounds make different educational and career choices


Vocational language courses boost skills but struggle to directly improve job prospects

Research report analyzes impact on labor market integration


IZA study analyzes HR practices to recruit and retain skilled workers

Research report identifies "knowing-doing gap" in German firms

IZA News

25th IZA Summer School: Applications open!

Top international economists confirmed as this year's lecturers

IZA News

Award-winning research in the economics of climate change

Two innovative papers selected for the 2024 IRECC Award

IZA News

Apply now for a postdoc position at IZA

Ideal candidates should work in labor economics and/or behavioral economics


How the division of roles within the family shapes job satisfaction

New study finds secondary earners more likely to prioritize personal preferences over compensation

IZA News

A dataverse for labor economics

IZA's Research Data Center (IDSC) has launched a new service for the research community


Broad majority of global population supports climate action

First globally representative survey on actual and perceived willingness to fight global warming


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