

The right mix of migrants to meet Germany’s needs

“In past decades, Germany has made great strides with the integration of foreigners. Those achievements must be defended prudently and […]

A note from the new Editor-in-Chief: Daniel Hamermesh about IZA World of Labor

I have just begun my tenure as Editor-in-Chief of IZA World of Labor (WoL), and I am thrilled to be […]

Courage, trust and autonomy: Werner Eichhorst outlines challenges of the new world of work

In a recent podcast by the WorkLife HUB, an online platform focusing on work-life balance topics, Werner Eichhorst speaks about […]

A European perspective on long-term unemployment

By Werner Eichhorst In the aftermath of the 2008/09 recession, long-term unemployment has increased in many EU member states. Even […]

International Workers’ Day Address: The Big Trade-Off in the World of Labor

On May Day 2015, which also marks the first anniversary of IZA World of Labor, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann […]

Do we have to be afraid of the future world of work?

The current public debate in many developed countries about the future of paid employment is characterized by strong feelings of […]

China’s still playing catch-up

The era of U.S. economic dominance would appear to be over. New calculations from the World Bank’s International Comparison Program, […]

Why hasn’t the dollar plunged?

By Eswar Prasad  Since the 2007-8 global financial crisis, the public debt of the United States government has soared to […]

Beijing’s caution on reforms makes sense – for now

By Eswar Prasad Cataloguing China’s economic risks has become a popular parlour game. In the past decade, a steady drumbeat […]

How much unemployment insurance do we need?

By Rafel Lalive, Camille Landais and Josef Zweimüller The global crisis that erupted in 2008 has put millions of worker […]

Welfare benefits are no magnet for migrants

EU commissioner Laszlo Andor has been under fire since he claimed last week that welfare tourism is “neither widespread nor […]

America’s children are the silent victims of the Great Recession

By Miles Corak The Great Recession has disrupted the lives of families and their children in an unprecedented way. It […]


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