

Will robots take over? How automation changes the world of work

Technological change has advanced digitalization and automation in a number of industries, raising fears that human workers will eventually become […]

A note from the new Editor-in-Chief: Daniel Hamermesh about IZA World of Labor

I have just begun my tenure as Editor-in-Chief of IZA World of Labor (WoL), and I am thrilled to be […]

Don’t be afraid of the future of work! Werner Eichhorst explains current labor market trends

A new book edited by Werner Eichhorst and Paul Marx looks at Non-Standard Employment in Post-Industrial Labour Markets. Examining the […]

Carmel Chiswick on the effect of economic choices for religious traditions

In a video interview, IZA Fellow Carmel U. Chiswick (George Washington University) talks about the link between economic choices and […]

Barry Chiswick on the design of immigration policies

In a video interview, IZA Fellow Barry Chiswick (George Washington University) talks about the design of immigration policies. He explains […]

David Neumark on the employment effects of minimum wages

In a video interview, IZA Fellow David Neumark (University of California, Irvine) talks about the employment effects of minimum wages […]

Solomon Polachek on equal pay and the gender wage gap

In a video interview, IZA Fellow Solomon Polachek (State University of New York at Binghamton) talks about equal pay and […]

Peter Kuhn on the internet as a labor market matchmaker

Since the internet’s earliest days, firms and workers have used various online methods to advertise and find jobs. Until recently […]

Fixed-term contracts: Dead-end jobs or useful stepping stones? Video interview with Werner Eichhorst

Fixed-term contracts have become a major form of employment in Europe. While proponents regard them as an important stepping stone […]

Employee performance and the value of the bosses: Video interview with Kathryn Shaw

Employees should ultimately be paid for performance, not for working hours, says Kathryn Shaw (Stanford University and IZA) in a […]

IZA interview: Pierre Cahuc on youth unemployment in Europe

In the latest IZA interview, Pierre Cahuc, IZA Program Director for “Labor Markets and Institutions”, talks about youth unemployment in […]

Ulf Rinne on the merits of anonymous job applications

In the latest IZA interview, Ulf Rinne, Deputy Director of Research at IZA, talks about the merits and problems of […]

Why brain drain can be good for your country

It can be quite costly for a country if the smartest brains move abroad. In the latest IZA interview, Visiting […]

Former IZA Research Director and IZA Research Fellow Daniel S. Hamermesh talks about topical economic issues in the latest IZA […]

David G. Blanchflower on the economic crisis and how to end it

IZA program director and visiting research fellow David G. Blanchflower talks about the economic crisis, tax policies and the role […]


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