

High testosterone, high wages?

Does the level of testosterone, which is associated with more aggressive and competitive behavior, explain why men earn more than […]

Early retirement makes men live longer

Does early retirement affect how long people live? In a new IZA Discussion Paper, Hans Bloemen, Stefan Hochguertel and Jochem […]

What is the right price of clean air?

How much are people willing to pay for clean air? Driven by this question, empirical economists have come up with […]

How effective is high school mentoring?

Is it worthwhile paying special attention to high school students from disadvantaged social backgrounds? Núria Rodríguez-Planas put this question to […]

Lowering the legal drinking age has no detrimental impact on youth

How does the legal drinking age influence youth behavior? In a new IZA Discussion Paper, Stefan Boes and Steven Stillman […]

More and more older workers want to increase working hours

Older workers are becoming increasingly important in the European labor market. Previous research on work preferences suggests that older workers […]

Men like child care at least as much as women do

In March of 2012, The New York Times (NYT) website ran the headline, “Do Women Like Child Care More than […]

New evidence from soccer tournaments: three days of rest are enough

Professional European soccer players have to play about 50 games each year. In 90 minutes they run up to 14 […]

How the Great Recession affected domestic violence

During each global recession of the past decades there have been recurrent suggestions in the media that domestic violence increases […]

The effect of sorority membership on eating disorders

Eating disorders affect 12-25% of college women. While previous research has established a positive correlation between sorority membership and eating […]

How the French social assistance increased unemployment

In the context of very high unemployment in many European countries, an old economic question receives new attention: Do social […]

How globalization prevents wage increases

It is widely believed that certain types of workers suffer from globalization since firms’ international engagement might lead to lower […]

“Sex in Marriage is a Divine Gift” – but for whom?

High fertility rates are often seen as a major cause of persistent poverty, especially in developing countries. The reason: a […]

Men vote for Mars, women vote for Venus

A new IZA discussion paper by Vincenzo Galasso and Tommaso Nannicini investigates whether the degree of aggressiveness of political campaigns […]

Low fast-food prices make teenagers fat

How do food prices affect body fatness of teenagers aged 12 to 18? This is the research question raised by […]


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