Posts tagged with 'voting'
December 3, 2024
When crisis strikes, voters hold female politicians to harsher standards
COVID-19 exposed gender bias in reelection
September 5, 2023
Democrats do not benefit electorally from popular minimum wage increases
New study suggests voters pay little attention to indirect transfers
March 16, 2023
Can more education save the planet?
New study finds sizable causal effects of years of schooling on pro-climate outcomes
September 17, 2021
Costs and benefits of postponing elections during the pandemic
New study on voting, contagion and the trade-off between public health and political rights
September 13, 2021
Air pollution reduces electoral support for government parties
New study identifies emotions as an explanation why poor air quality affects voting decisions
August 30, 2018
Immigration of poor voters increases redistribution
West German cities responded with higher taxes and welfare spending to post-WWII inflow of forced migrants
February 17, 2014
Money makes people more right-wing
Voting is the foundation of modern democracy. The causes of people’s political attitudes, however, are largely unknown. Are people’s party […]