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15th IZA Annual Migration Meeting held at Harvard Kennedy School
New research covering topics from deterrence to integration

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International Migration Intentions, Distance and Illegal Costs: Global Evidence from Africa-to-Europe Smuggling Routes Immigrant Concentration at School and Natives’ Achievement: Does Length of Stay in the Host Country Matter? Migration and Competition for Schools: Evidence from Primary Education in England The Contribution of Foreign Migration to Local Labor Market Adjustment The Interactive Effect of Immigration and Offshoring on U.S. Wages The Effects of DACA on Health Insurance, Access to Care and Health Outcomes Do Human Capital Decisions Respond to the Returns to Education? Evidence from DACA Easy Come, Easy Go? Economic Shocks, Labor Migration and the Family Left Behind Abundance from Abroad: Migrant Earnings and Economic Development in the Philippines The Long-run Impact of Historical Shocks on the Decision to Migrate: Evidence from the Irish Migration Mexican Immigration to the US: Selection, Sorting and Matching Migration Networks and Location Decisions: Evidence from U.S. Mass Migration Shocking Racial Attitudes: Black GIs in Europe New Evidence of Generational Progress for Mexican Americans The Effect of Initial Placement Restrictions on Refugees' Language Acquisition in Germany Limits to Wage Growth: Understanding the Wage Divergence between Immigrants and NativesDiesen Artikel teilen