
IZA News

IZA Fellow Alan Krueger passes away

Distinguished Princeton University economist dies at age 58

Boundaries betweeen work and leisure are blurring in both directions

Many employees work after hours from home, but they also do private stuff at work

The platform economy in Germany

IZA research report on industrial relations and social dialogue in the age of collaborative economy

Ten years after the financial crisis

Labor market adjustment in emerging and post-transition economies

Matching workers and jobs online

IDSC of IZA workshop discussed new developments and opportunities for social science and practice

15th IZA Annual Migration Meeting held at Harvard Kennedy School

New research covering topics from deterrence to integration

Labor productivity and the digital economy

Second joint IZA/OECD workshop held in Paris

Third Annual IZA Junior/Senior Symposium held in Bonn

Promoting young researchers from both sides of the Atlantic

IZA World Labor Conference 2018

Around 200 labor economists came together in Berlin to celebrate 20 years of IZA research.

The 2018 IZA Prize in Labor Economics goes to Joseph Altonji

The Yale economist is honored for seminal contributions including his empirical work on statistical discrimination.

IZA Fellow Robert LaLonde (1958–2018)

We regret to announce that Professor Robert LaLonde, IZA Research Fellow since 2001, passed away on January 17, 2018, after […]

IZA appoints Thomas Dohmen as Research Director

We warmly welcome Thomas J. Dohmen, who will become Research Director at IZA as of September 1, 2017. Professor Dohmen […]

IZA continues GLM|LIC program with DFID – new website now online

Since 2011, IZA has been coordinating the “Growth and Labour Markets in Low Income Countries” program on behalf of the […]

Magne Mogstad receives 2017 IZA Young Labor Economist Award

Magne Mogstad, the Gary S. Becker Professor in Economics at the University of Chicago, has been selected as the recipient […]

IZA Journal Series merged into three high-quality journals

In 2012, IZA launched a series of five open-access online journals in cooperation with SpringerOpen to provide a high-quality, peer-reviewed […]


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