

Major replication project re-analyzes over 100 economics and political science articles

New study by more than 350 coauthors finds high reproducibility rates, but also highlights areas for improvement

Men face a tougher time finding part-time work

New analysis of online labor markets in Switzerland unveils gender bias in part-time hiring

How are firms affected by parental leave absences?

New research reveals limited firm replacement for mothers on leave, yet no long-term consequences from extended leave

Work-home distances increase in Germany

New study explores how the shift to remote work is reshaping the relationship between labor markets and location choice

First-generation high achievers face hidden obstacles on path to success

Top students from working-class backgrounds make different educational and career choices

Vocational language courses boost skills but struggle to directly improve job prospects

Research report analyzes impact on labor market integration

IZA study analyzes HR practices to recruit and retain skilled workers

Research report identifies "knowing-doing gap" in German firms

How the division of roles within the family shapes job satisfaction

New study finds secondary earners more likely to prioritize personal preferences over compensation

Broad majority of global population supports climate action

First globally representative survey on actual and perceived willingness to fight global warming

What motivates climate change denial?

New study looks at the role of motivated reasoning

Job value inequality is considerably greater than wage inequality

Study from Austria shows that companies offering better non-wage benefits increasingly also provide higher salaries

Do workers’ values matter for selection into supervisory jobs?

Self-direction and achievement are positively linked to supervision, but may also foster autocratic behavior

Who supports affirmative action?

Both self-serving motives and individual preferences play a role

Are senior entrepreneurs happier people?

Income and health shape the relationship between occupational status and life satisfaction

Promoting labor market mobility among job seekers can backfire

New research highlights unexpected pitfalls and offers insights for more effective policies


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