

Matching workers and jobs online

IDSC of IZA workshop discussed new developments and opportunities for social science and practice

Why does education reduce crime?

Keeping kids “off the streets” may matter more than improving their labor market prospects

Parental leave benefits do not widen the socio-economic gap in child development

Analysis of school entrance exams in Germany

How xenophobic violence impairs the integration of immigrants

Significant impact on life satisfaction and language acquisition

Gay marriage policies improve attitudes towards sexual minorities

Cross-national study with European data suggests a causal effect

School reforms and socioeconomic inequality in Germany

15 years after the PISA shock

Immigration of poor voters increases redistribution

West German cities responded with higher taxes and welfare spending to post-WWII inflow of forced migrants

Brothers foster women’s gender conformity

Study from Denmark shows that parents invest differently in their daughters if they also have sons

When the market drives you crazy

Stock market returns affect the number of fatal car accidents

Homeoffice auf dem Vormarsch

Räumlich flexibles Arbeiten nimmt zu, aber nur jeder fünfte sieht seine Wünsche bereits erfüllt

Challenges and successes in refugee integration

New insights from international economic research

15th IZA Annual Migration Meeting held at Harvard Kennedy School

New research covering topics from deterrence to integration

Britain’s got talent

Developing it could be key to solving the productivity puzzle post-Brexit

Labor productivity and the digital economy

Second joint IZA/OECD workshop held in Paris

Third Annual IZA Junior/Senior Symposium held in Bonn

Promoting young researchers from both sides of the Atlantic


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