Posts tagged with 'inequality'
December 19, 2024
How college proximity shapes enrollment and degree attainment
The role of geographic access in addressing higher education disparities
October 31, 2024
Do salary history bans really help level the playing field?
Voluntary disclosure of past salaries undermines efforts to close pay gaps and promote wage equality in the U.S.
September 16, 2024
How do unequal opportunities impact support for redistribution?
New research reveals people are more tolerant of inequality when earnings inequality is due to unequal opportunities
September 4, 2024
AI and automation: How should we tax the future?
New study explores the challenges of taxing labor and capital in a rapidly changing world
January 11, 2024
Job value inequality is considerably greater than wage inequality
Study from Austria shows that companies offering better non-wage benefits increasingly also provide higher salaries
September 22, 2023
Tax flight by the super-rich: Does it really happen?
New study from the UK on the impact of capital tax reforms on migration behavior
December 1, 2021
What if working from home will stick?
Distributional and climate impacts for Germany
September 6, 2021
IZA/SOLE Transatlantic Meeting of Labor Economists celebrates 20th anniversary
Researchers discussed topics related to labor market inequalities and policy responses
August 20, 2021
Hotter temperatures increased workplace injuries in California
New study finds that incidents are undercounted in official records
November 27, 2019
How earthquakes affect social preferences
When people are exposed to a disaster, their demand for redistribution increases
October 10, 2019
Legacy and athlete preferences at Harvard
Admissions advantages of privileged applicants have gone up over time
April 15, 2019
briq/IZA Workshop on Behavioral Economics of Education
How behavioral insights can contribute to equality of opportunity
November 6, 2018
Shrinking gender pay gap has made boys more ambitious
More women succeed in male-dominated sectors, but few men choose traditionally female occupations
September 17, 2018
School reforms and socioeconomic inequality in Germany
15 years after the PISA shock
May 5, 2018
The costly consequences of just failing a high-stakes exam
Education systems around the world increasingly apply standardized high school exit exams to make achievement more comparable among graduates (see […]
February 16, 2018
Searching on campus: Marriage market effects of the student gender composition
The growing success of online dating platforms seems to indicate that finding your partner in the “real” world becomes harder. […]
September 12, 2017
Who are the women in the top 1% and how do they make their money?
A lot of attention has been given to rising inequality and, in particular, to the increasing income share going to […]
February 20, 2017
On World Day of Social Justice: Insights on economic inequality from IZA World of Labor
The UN has proclaimed February 20 the “World Day of Social Justice” to support efforts of the international community in […]
September 19, 2016
Genes, education and labor market outcomes
What can genetic information teach us about the intergenerational transmission of economic inequality? A new IZA Discussion Paper by Nicholas […]
July 7, 2016
What politicos get wrong in Germany’s retirement debate
A crucial reality check for all Germany’s politicians eager to hand out even more retirement benefits: They need to ensure […]
April 13, 2016
From a global perspective: Assessing the effects of labor market reforms
Since the 2008/09 global recession unemployment and inequality have been on a rise. Reforms of labor markets have been one […]
May 4, 2015
“Who owns the robots rules the world”
A new generation of serfs could be created if employers don’t take more action to create shared ownership of companies […]
March 4, 2015
The last will: Unequal division between children is more common than you think
There are many reasons why parents may consider distributing their inheritance unevenly among their children. One of them might have […]
September 11, 2013
High testosterone, high wages?
Does the level of testosterone, which is associated with more aggressive and competitive behavior, explain why men earn more than […]
March 9, 2013
U.S. budget cuts likely to aggravate income inequality
The U.S. budget cuts bear large economic and political risks for U.S. citizens as they will aggravate income inequality. This […]