

Improving jobs outcomes in developing countries

3rd IZA/World Bank/NJD Conference on Jobs and Development

New moms are healthier when dads can stay home

Swedish reform gave fathers more flexibility in taking days off

Exposure to “high-achieving” boys in high school may harm girls in the long run

Effects on educational and labor market outcomes

Breaking the cycle of poverty through education

Canada’s Pathway to Education program improved long-term outcomes of students from poor neighborhoods

The wrong kind of AI?

Artificial intelligence and the future of labor demand

Global distribution of (non-)routine work

Large cross-country differences in task content of jobs

Causes, costs and benefits of migration

IZA's 16th Annual Migration Meeting discussed the labor market implications of refugee flows and migrant integration

Lower sickness rates on “bridging days”

Austrian workers don't shirk to extend their holiday weekend

How environmental policies affect the labor market

IZA workshop evaluated the costs and benefits of reducing pollution and mitigating global warming

Gender promotion gap in central banking

Corporate diversity policies can be effective at reducing gender bias in promotions

Do employee share owners face too much financial risk?

U.S. data show that employer stock creates excessive risk for only a minority of families

Discrimination in hiring based on presence of children or perceived “risk” of pregnancy

Married, childless women applying to part-time jobs have the lowest callback rates

Being bullied in school leads to poorer outcomes later in life

Persistent or violent types of bullying have the worst consequences

Children benefit from school construction and conditional cash transfers

3rd annual workshop of IZA's Family and Gender program

How day-to-day violence affects children’s educational attainment

Innovative study based on detailed crime data from São Paulo, Brazil


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